how to end a blog post tips strategybeam

What is a Blog Post Ending?

With digital marketing efforts rising in today’s online world, business owners know that blogging is essential to get your website ranking in Google. This is because blogging is a long-term Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy that many businesses take advantage of. Plus, it’s an easily digestible way to deliver great content to your readers.

Any good business blogger knows that you have to grab your audience’s attention right away with a strong introduction. But what about the end of the post?

Ending your blog post seems like it should be the easiest part. After all, you’ve written all the important stuff already, right? But time and time again, it turns out that capturing the key points of a blog post can be harder than writing any other parts.

Here’s why writing a strong conclusion is crucial to raising your conversion rate and keeping your readers engaged.

Why is the Blog Post Ending Important?

The end of your blog post is one of the most important parts of content marketing, because once your readers have finished your blog post, you can easily lead them to whatever the next step is.

Whether you’re including a call-to-action, pointing them toward your next blog post, or just asking them to leave something in the comments section—helping your readers make their next move is vital for bloggers.

There’s no true-and-tried template for how to write a stellar conclusion, but here are 7 tips for writing a conclusion that boosts SEO and guides your readers to what’s next.

7 Tips to End a Blog Post To Increase Engagement & Sales

Good business owners understand the impact that bloggers have on digital marketing today. In such a fast-paced, technological world, business blogs offer industry information and trade secrets that are invaluable to clients.

Keeping your content easily found online not only improves your SEO and leads to more prospects, but also helps you retain customers and make connections with them outside of a sale.

Let’s take a look at how you can efficiently and engagingly end your blog posts in order to foster the online connection between your business and your customers.

1. Summarize Your Post

The best way to keep your blog easy to digest and engage more of your target audience is to summarize the main points of your blog post at the end.

Not only will this recap help readers absorb your content easier, but it also helps you add more keywords for SEO and maximize the potential of your business blog.

Try not to add any unnecessary elements to your summary or you’ll find readers skimming to find the important information. Keep it clear and concise in order to wrap up your blog post.

2. Inspire Your Audience

One of the things that blogging is best at is influencing and encouraging people to try new things, establish healthier habits, and live a better lifestyle. Making the end of your blog post focus on something the reader can do better in your industry, or in their day-to-day lives, is a great way to keep them curious and reading more.

If your content offers a challenge that motivates your audience to make new goals and meet them, they will likely search for more of what you’ve written in hopes of being inspired again.

Be sure to link your next blog post in your conclusion to promote SEO and offer your audience more great content without requiring them to click around your site to find related information.

3. Include A CTA

All content writers know how important including a call-to-action is in any kind of content, but it’s especially crucial for business blogs. There is no better way to conclude your blog post but with a message encouraging readers to subscribe to your social media channels or join your email list so they can receive more of your content.

CTA’s are especially vital if you’re trying to sell a good or service. Adding a call-to-action helps direct your readers in the decision-making process while also strengthening your conversion rates.

But don’t make your CTA too complicated, or you run the risk of losing all of your potential subscribers by making your post too hard to navigate and understand.

4. Tell Readers What To Do

Just like including a CTA, ensure your readers know exactly where to go after reading your blog by directing them yourself. This is the time to link your audience to related posts, challenge them to something new, or even something as simple as asking them to leave something in the comments section.

Do this by getting into your reader’s minds and providing links or asking questions that will help them in their buyer’s journey. You can also ask readers questions that will help you gain insight into what they want or why they might unsubscribe from your content.

Your post conclusion should have some suggestion that leads back to your site and create more opportunity for SEO on your blog.

5. Add Links To Related Blog Posts

One of the best ways to keep your audience engaged and on your site is to add links to relevant content, such as other blog posts, social media channels, or even podcasts that you’ve created or been featured in.

Not only does this keep your readers on your site and create more clicks on your page, but it also helps improve your chances of ranking higher in search engines. Make sure you’re picking strong anchor text and related links that your readers will enjoy.

6. Create A Discussion

A great way to engage your audience is to turn your key takeaways into a discussion that they can participate in. Everyone has an opinion, and most people love to share them.

Write your content with an obvious point of discussion built-in so that readers are motivated to start a conversation about it—with both you and other members of your audience. This is a great way to get more reader involvement and create stronger trust and ties with your target audience as well.

You can also make use of cliffhangers when you prompt a discussion, which is another way to catch your readers’ attention and keep them interested in your next blog post. Even a simple “Find out our solution to this problem next week!” will influence readers to come back.

7. Ask Your Audience A Question

Along with a discussion, asking your readers a question that they can answer in the comments section will help drive engagement on your site. As mentioned earlier, people love to share their thoughts and opinions with you and other readers.

By having questions built-in to your discussion, highlighting them in your content, and prompting your audience to answer in the comments below, you may find them engaging more than ever.

Keep your discussion questions specific, but open-ended when you include them in your post to invite commenters to raise their own points of discussion and foster more conversation.


It’s vital to nail the end of your blog posts to ensure your readers are well-guided to where you want them to go next. Whether you want to link them to a landing page or simply want to drive engagement by directing them to a question, your conclusion is your last chance to grab their attention.

Conclude your next blog post confidently using these 7 tips to boost SEO and ensure your readers leave wanting more and knowing where to find it.

About the Author: Chris

Chis is the Lead Strategist at StrategyBeam with over 19 years of marketing know-how up his sleeve. He loves transforming business marketing campaigns into success stories by boosting efficiencies across all campaigns. When not strategizing, he can be found laughing at the monkeys at the zoo.

One Comment

  1. Bruce May 30, 2022 at 3:58 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much you made a lot of good points everybody has a problem finishing the blog and not knowing how to end the last couple words but thanks to you you made some good points I’m definitely gonna look into that thanks again

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